New Yorker Covers
New Yorker Covers
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During the 1940’s, Gergely produced cover designs for several magazines, including The New Yorker.
In these and other magazine covers, his irrepressible sense of humor and delight in the incongruous found perfect expression. Americans enjoy art and dog shows, baseball games, circuses, a children’s zoo and dining in a small restaurant patio behind a brownstone.
Gergely’s love for Manhattan buildings, skylines and bustle is evident in his sophisticated and charming glimpses of American culture, which bear the unmistakable stamp of his style while possessing the distinctive look of The New Yorker covers of the period.
“Children like to laugh, and so does the child hidden in every grown-up. It is the child in the grown-up to whom I address magazine covers such as one of my ‘New Yorker’ covers, showing GI’s cleaning their barracks with the laughable seriousness of children playing soldiers.”